

This is the location of palm oil plantations owned by PT. Global Primatama Mandiri (PT.GPM) which is a group of Palma Serasih. The company is currently conducting land clearing of forests orangutan habitat (based on data and maps of the Population and Habitat Viability Assessment by the Indonesian Orangutan Forum). PT GPM is located in Merapun village, Kelay subDistrict, Berau District, East Kalimantan. This company has been doing landclearing since 2017 until now. The location of their permit is located not far from the Lesan River Protection Forest. Through the Berau Regent Decree No. 343 of 2014, PT. GPM get an extension for oil palm plantations covering an area of 7400 hectares. Not only PT. GPM, Palma Serasih has 11 other subsidiaries engaged in palm oil in Indonesia. The company is listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) with shares of PT Jalinankasih Sesama 41.38%, PT Serasih Holdico 35.01%, Budiono Tanbun 8.49%, DBS Bank Ltd SG 5,31, Society 9.81%, Budiono Tanbun Dire...


We understand that oil palm and coal mining are the largest contribution to deforestation in Borneo. Deforestation by companies like this, only will stopped by campaigning against them and forcing them to stop, after that building a conservation area to protect forests, communities and wildlife. Many animals have lost their homes cause of deforestation,that conflicts between farmers and wildlife which ended in the death of wildlife. Deforestation does not only affect wildlife but also humans around forests and people around the world because deforestation can cause global warming. Floods, landslides and fires are proof that deforestation is very bad and companies will continue to destroy forests in the name of economic improvement if nobody stops them, and forces them to change for the better. Its the reasons, in 2020 CAN Borneo created a team with the name Mitigation and Rescue (MARS). The team is tasked with saving people and animals from ecological disasters as a result of ...


Conservation Action Network Borneo (CAN Borneo) team would like to thank you for helping us with our work in 2019. With your help, we together save thousands of wildlife habitats, saved thousands of forests that will burn, saved wildlife and thousands of seedlings have been planted. We write this thank you from Merasa village, in the middle of the Borneo forest. Hopefully this email can be read by you, wherever you are now.  2019 is a difficult year for our work because the 5 month dry season changes many things in the forest, but you help us to get through this difficult work until the end of 2019.  Best regards Conservation Action Network Borneo Facebook : CAN Borneo Instagram : Website : Forest for People and Wildlife


Hari ini team CAN Borneo mengikuti aktifitas kepala adat Kampung Merasa, Kecamatan Kelay, Kabupaten Berau, Kalimantan Timur yaitu Pak Romeo atau sering di panggil pak Meu. Sudah 2 hari ini team CAN Borneo mengikuti aktifitas beliau dalam mempertahankan lahan masyarakat yang gusur oleh perusahaan pertambangan batu bara. "kita hanya ingin jangan menggusur lahan masyarakat sebelum ada penyelsaian dari kedua belah pihak..." cerita pak Meu ketika bertemu pihak perusahaan dan kepolisian yang mendatangi masyarakat yang lahanya tergusur oleh alat berat. Namun hingga pertemuan berakhir tidak ada kata kesepakatan antara masyarakat dan pihak perusahaan.